The main reason Crossfitters have big abs comes down to the training they do. Crossfit workouts are intense. They work multiple muscle groups at the same time, including the ones in your core. This kind of intense, all-round workout can lead to larger, stronger abdominal muscles, which can appear as ‘big abs’.

For those who don’t know, Crossfit is a high-intensity fitness program. It combines elements of different exercises like weightlifting, gymnastics, and aerobic exercises. It’s all about improving your strength and conditioning. The workouts may be tough, but they tend to be short, usually lasting only an hour.

The main goal of Crossfit is to help you become stronger, faster, and fitter in all parts of your body. And that includes your abs!

Is CrossFit good for your abs?

Yes, CrossFit is good for your abs. CrossFit workouts involve exercises that make your whole body work hard, especially your core, which includes your abs. In CrossFit, you do a mix of exercises like lifting weights, doing squats, and jumping. These exercises use many muscles at the same time.

Your abs work hard during these exercises to help keep you balanced and strong. This makes your abs grow stronger and bigger.

CrossFit also changes its workouts often. This means your abs and other muscles don’t get used to the same exercise. Your muscles, including your abs, keep getting stronger because they always have new challenges.

So, if you want strong abs, CrossFit can be a good choice. It’s tough, but it works well for building strong abs.

Popular crossfit exercises

  1. Box Jumps: Jumping onto and off a sturdy box.
  2. Burpees: A full-body exercise involving a squat, kick-back, push-up, and jump.
  3. Deadlifts: Lifting a weighted barbell or dumbbells from the ground to hip level.
  4. Wall Balls: Throwing a medicine ball against a wall at a set height and catching it in a squat.
  5. Kettlebell Swings: Swinging a kettlebell between the legs and up to chest or eye level.
  6. Thrusters: Combining a front squat with a push press (lifting weights overhead).
  7. Pull-ups: Pulling oneself up on a bar until the chin clears the bar.
  8. Double Unders: Jumping rope with the rope passing under the feet twice per jump.
  9. Clean and Jerk: Lifting a barbell from the floor to overhead in two movements.
  10. Muscle-ups: A pull-up followed by a dip, transitioning from below to above a set of rings or bar.

Try These 6 Crossfit Workouts to Have a Big ABS

Toes to Bar

Toes to Bar is a challenging exercise where you hang from a pull-up bar and use your core strength to raise your toes up to the bar. This exercise requires you to engage your abdominal muscles intensely to lift your legs while maintaining your grip on the bar. It not only strengthens the abs but also improves your arm strength and grip. Regular practice of Toes to Bar can significantly enhance the size and strength of your abdominal muscles, making it a key workout for those aiming to develop pronounced abs through CrossFit.The equipment needed for this exercise is a sturdy pull-up bar.

The primary body part targeted by Toes to Bar is the abdominal muscles, although it also engages the arms, shoulders, and hip flexors. This makes it an excellent exercise for overall core strengthening and development.


Deadlifts are a fundamental CrossFit exercise that involves lifting a weighted barbell from the ground to hip level. This exercise engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, with a significant focus on the abs, lower back, and legs. The abs play a crucial role in stabilizing the body during the lift, which leads to increased abdominal strength and size over time. Deadlifts are not only effective for building a strong core but also contribute to overall body strength and fitness.For deadlifts, you need a barbell and weights.

The exercise primarily targets the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles, including the abs. Regular incorporation of deadlifts into your CrossFit routine can lead to well-developed abs and a stronger lower back, enhancing your overall lifting capabilities.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell Swings involve swinging a kettlebell between your legs and up to chest level, which actively engages your core muscles, particularly the abs. This swinging motion requires a tight core to maintain balance and control, thus effectively working out the abdominal muscles. The upward swing phase of the exercise particularly activates the abs, contributing to their strength and growth.

The equipment needed for Kettlebell Swings is a kettlebell of suitable weight. The exercise targets the abs, lower back, and shoulders, offering a comprehensive workout that strengthens and tones the core muscles. Incorporating Kettlebell Swings into your CrossFit routine can be highly beneficial for enhancing core strength and developing prominent abdominal muscles.

Wall Balls

Wall Balls are a dynamic exercise combining squats with throwing a medicine ball against a wall. This movement intensely works your abs along with your legs and arms. When you squat and throw the ball, your core stabilizes your body. This constant engagement builds strong, big abs. Wall Balls are not just good for abs but also enhance overall body strength.The equipment required is a medicine ball and a solid wall.

The exercise mainly targets your core, legs, and arms, providing a full-body workout that is especially beneficial for developing your abdominal muscles.


Burpees are a full-body exercise starting from a standing position, transitioning into a squat, extending into a plank, and ending with a jump back to standing. This exercise is excellent for core strength as your abs work hard during the plank and jump parts. Consistently doing burpees can lead to stronger, more defined abs.No special equipment is needed for burpees.

They target your abs, legs, and arms, making them an effective workout for overall fitness and particularly good for strengthening and toning the abs.


Thrusters combine a front squat with an overhead press. Throughout this exercise, your core, including your abs, is constantly engaged to provide stability and power. This consistent engagement leads to stronger and more prominent abs. Thrusters not only work on your abs but also improve your leg and shoulder strength.You’ll need a barbell or dumbbells for thrusters.

The exercise focuses on the core, legs, and shoulders. It’s a powerful workout for enhancing core strength, crucial for developing big and strong abs in CrossFit.


Why do CrossFit workouts lead to big abs?

CrossFit workouts are intense and involve exercises that heavily engage the core, leading to stronger, larger abs.

Can I get big abs by doing CrossFit alone?

Yes, CrossFit’s varied, high-intensity workouts that target the core can significantly develop your abs.

What specific CrossFit exercises help in developing big abs? Exercises like Toes to Bar, Deadlifts, and Kettlebell Swings in CrossFit specifically work the abs and contribute to their growth.

Is CrossFit more effective for abs than traditional gym workouts?

CrossFit’s diverse and intense routines can be more effective in developing abs compared to some traditional gym workouts that might not focus as much on the core.